Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Khmer Rouge During The 20th Century - 1823 Words

Cambodia has been significantly affected by the ongoing communism and the rule of the Khmer Rouge during the 20th century. Referred to as The Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodian genocide, Year Zero and the Cambodian Holocaust, the rule of the Communist Party of Kampuchea from 1975-1979 has had a devastating impact on Cambodia and the country’s condition in the 21st century. Led by Pol Pot, the beliefs and objectives of the Khmer Rouge has resulted in Cambodia’s loss of culture and identity, the deaths of approximately 4 million people resulting in generation loss and a brain drain and has affected how Cambodia is in today’s society. The views and objectives of the Communist Party of Kampuchea was the catalyst in creating the Khmer Rouge, and as a result, caused the destruction of Cambodia. The party’s belief in communism and equality conflicted with the views of the then party in ruling. This prompted the Communist party to take over on April 14, 1975, with the view of creating a society where no one was exploited and everyone was equal. Journalist, Elizabeth Becker reports about the new national anthem, which showcases the patriotism of the Party. â€Å"†¦We are uniting to edify splendid and democratic new Kampuchea and new society with equality and justice†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This reflects their views and shows their new found strength in their successful takeover. This view also prompted the Khmer Rouge to abolish inequality through the removal of western influences such money, schooling, privateShow MoreRelatedKhmer Rouge And Pol Pot Downfall1485 Words   |  6 PagesThe Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot down fall â€Å"To spare you is no profit, to destroy you is no loss.† These are the words the leader of the Khmer Rouge, Pol Pot. His plan to convert Cambodia’s capitalistic economy to a communist economy failure is what inevitably led to the cause of the Cambodian Genocide. Pol Pot is responsible for the deaths of 1.5 million Cambodians during his reign between 1975-1979. Pol Pot, a man who valued Mao’s Chinese communist way of living, saw the cities as the heart of capitalismRead MorePol Pot1688 Words   |  7 PagesEvaluate the impact of the Khmer Rouge on Cambodian society from 1975-1979 Cambodia became one huge labor camp under the Khmer Rouge. After deposing Lon Nol on 1975, the Khmer Rouge, led by Pol Pot began one of the most brutal regimes in human history. This not only changed the Cambodian society but also ultimately destroyed it. This was due to the extreme vision of communism, which Pol Pot wanted to implement for a perfect and a peaceful society. Prince Norodom Sihanouk always tried to maintainRead MoreKhmer Rouge Research Paper1245 Words   |  5 PagesPatrick Scott English 101-001 May 24, 2011 The Bloody Cambodian Revolution Located in Southeast Asia between Thailand and Vietnam, Cambodia was home to one of the bloodiest political regimes to exist in the 20th century. In a country, in which American government reports in 1959 documented, was full of â€Å" ‘docile and passive people†¦[who] could not be counted on to act in any positive way for the benefit of US aims and policies’†, the United States conflict in neighboring Vietnam brought aboutRead MoreEssay On Pol Pot1249 Words   |  5 PagesThe cambodian genocide was one of the worst genocides in the 20th century due to the rise to power, number of fatalities and how they managed to hide it from the rest of the world. Who is Pol Pot? The Notorious Pol pot was born in educated in france but was a strong admirer of chinese communism. In 1962, Pol pot had become the leader of the cambodian communist party, yet had fled to the jungle to build the khmer rouge. The Khmer Rouge start small at first but the 13 years Pol pot was in hiding,Read MorePol Pot vs. Adolf Hitler Essay1237 Words   |  5 Pagesnationalist Adolf Hitler can be compared in several ways, there are also myriad differences between their ascendancies. The social dispositions and executions of Adolf Hitler and Pol Pot, although similar in several ways, also differed for numerous reasons during their supremacies. The social perspectives and exploits of Hitler and Pol Pot have multiple similarities. For example, both Pol Pot and Hitler advocated and, to an extent, succeeded in mass execution of people based on a specific attribute. PolRead MoreGenocide : The Worst Crimes Against Humanity And It Still Continues Today2115 Words   |  9 Pageshistory of genocide in the 20th century includes the 1915 genocide of Armenians by Turks, the Holocaust, the widespread genocide in Cambodia during the 1970s, the â€Å"ethnic cleansing† in Kosovo by Serbs in the 1990s, and the killing of Tutsis by Rwandan Hutus in 1994. The underlying causes of conflicts that result in the acts of genocide often have deep and historical roots, stereotypes and prejudices can cultivate over centuries. One of the top genocides of the 20th century was the genocide in CambodiaRead MoreThe Genocide Of The Cambodian Genocide1564 Words   |  7 Pagesand a rising group of Cambodian communists called the Khmer Rouge Party. (Peace Pledge Union) As the government grew weaker and began to loose control, The Khmer Rouge Party overthrew the country. They began killing for their cause in 1975. The Khmer Rouge Party, under the rule of a man called Pol Pot, enforced a new way of life following values and rules similar to Maoist-Communism (â€Å"World Without Genocide: Cambodian Genocide†). The Khmer Party attempted, in simplistic terms, to nationally centralizeRead MoreEssay about The Holocaust and the Cambodian Genocide 1201 Words   |  5 PagesHitler and the Nazis were in charge of the Holocaust. The Cambodian Genocide took place in Cambodia. Cambodia is in Southeast Asia (â€Å"Cambodian†). Pol Pot was the leader of Khmer Rouge and the group was in charge of the Cambodian Genocide (â€Å"Cambodian†). The Cambodian Genocide started in 1975 and ended in 1978 because Khmer Rouge was ended by Vietnam (â€Å"Cambodian†). The Holocaust and the Cambodian Genocide are similar in the administrations’ treatment of their victims and in the fact that their victimsRead MoreHow were Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge able to maintain power in Cambodia between 1975 and 1979?2236 Words   |  9 PagesSection A: Aim of Investigation After they seized power in Cambodia in April 1975, Saloth Pol Pot Sar and the Khmer Rouge were responsible for the death of 1.5-3 million Cambodians and were perhaps one of the most ruthless regimes of the 20th century. The aim of this investigation is to evaluate Pol Pots means of maintaining power from 1975 to 1979. An account of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouges drastic internal reforms including the slaughter of millions, economic reorganization, political restructuringRead MorePol Pot Killed 25 % Of Cambodia2035 Words   |  9 Pagessectors of the economy. Pol Pot’s ideology, Socialist Agrarianism, valued farmers, and wanted to rid the country of all other professions. Pol Pot was creating a complete Communist society without wasting time on the intermediate steps, as the Khmer Rouge said to China in 1975 (Kiernan, Ben). Believing the city people to be contaminated by their past lives, Pol Pot would re-write their histories. Money was banned, religion was outlawed, and the co untry s name changed to Kampuchea. Then he dispersed

Friday, December 20, 2019

Why Placenta Previa Complication in Pregnancy - 696 Words

Placenta previa is an implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment, near or over the internal cervical os and is usually seen in the third trimester. This tends to occur in 1 out of every 200 pregnancies and can be caused by many different reasons and there are a few different types. Placenta previa can be a very scary diagnosis for a pregnant mom but knowing what to look for, seeking medical treatment early and complying with doctors’ orders mothers can still have a very healthy baby. Placenta moves as the womb stretches and grows during pregnancy. Early in pregnancy it is very normal for the placenta to be low in the womb, but as pregnancy progresses, the placenta moves to the top of the womb (MedlinePlus, 2012). When the cervix opens for delivery the placenta should be close to the top of the womb and should occur by the third trimester. When the placenta covers the cervix this is called previa and there are three different forms of placenta previa. The fi rst type is marginal. The placenta does not over the opening but is next to the cervix. The next type is partial and that is when the placenta covers part of the cervical opening. Lastly there is complete, the cervical opening is completely covered by the placenta. Depending on the severity of the previa it can make a vaginal delivery very complicated and will most likely result in the mother having a C-section. Most commonly placenta previa will occur in women that have a uterus that isShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Effects of Placenta Previa909 Words   |  4 Pageslife into the world is a priceless moment, and for that to be threatened by a disease; such as Placenta Previa, is heartbreaking. Placenta previa is commonly described as the imbedding of the placenta over or close to the cervix. According to the Permanente Medical Group, during a normal pregnancy the placenta forms at the top part of the uterus far from the cervix. However in placenta previa, the placenta tends to attach to the lower section of the uterus either covering or partially over the cervixRead MoreAbortion Is An Immoral Act Essay1447 Words   |  6 Pagesmy research to open my reader’s eyes to the truth behind abortion. I hope to fully discuss the health risks that the mother faces after abortion, as well as the baby, I will explain why abortion is more brutal than we have all originally thought, describing the techniques used for abortions, and I am going to explain why abortion should be banned and explore the court cases that have come about in the past to try to rid our nation of abortions. When abortion comes up in a discussion or debate theRead MoreThe Causes and Prevelence of Obstetrical Emergencies 1185 Words   |  5 Pagesemergencies are the life threatening medical conditions that occur during pregnancy or after labor and delivery. Many illnesses and disorders of pregnancy can threaten the well-being of both the mother and the child.1 Preventive/ effective management of obstetric emergencies will help to reduce maternal and perinatal mortality which can be achieved through the utilization of antenatal care services, making budget for pregnancies and childbirth at family level, adequate funding of social welfare servicesRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy And Teen Pregnancy1664 Words   |  7 PagesMaria Isabel Terrazas English 4 Miss Stahlecker 4 November 2015 Teenage Pregnancy According to, in 2013, a total of 273,105 babies were born to women that were in between the ages of 15-19 years old. Teenage pregnancy is a major concern in today’s society. This paper will talk about teenage pregnancy, statistics, ways to prevent teenage pregnancy, and after birth options. So why is teenage pregnancy so important? Some people are concerned about teens getting pregnant at such an early ageRead MoreMultiple Outcomes Of Multiple Pregnancy984 Words   |  4 PagesMultiple Pregnancy Multiple pregnancy is a pregnancy with more than one baby in mom’s uterus, such as twins, triplets or quadruplets. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the highest rate of multiple pregnancy was in the years between 1980 and 2008, due to use of fertility treatments and childbearing among women older than 35 years (Multiple Pregnancy, 2015). The causes of multiple pregnancies are race, gene, age (pregnancy after age of thirty), use of fertility-Read MoreEssay about A Woman Has NO Right to Choose Muder (Abortion)1418 Words   |  6 Pagesfuture. Upon seeking counsel from friends and family, it seemed logical to consider abortion as an option. After all, I was young, pretty and intelligent. I had my whole life ahead of me. It was a shock to learn that I was near the 6th month of my pregnancy. This fact certainly complicated matters. It would mean that I would have to have a different, more costly, kind of abortion. With the support of those I va lued most, I made a decision. An appointment was set for one week later. My boyfriend andRead MoreAbortion : Why Politics Can t Find Common Ground1317 Words   |  6 Pages Abortion: Why Politics can’t find Common Ground Emily Gonzales English 5B Professor Gabriel Ibarra 17 Nov. 2015â€Æ' Abstract Abortion as we all know, is a controversial topic that has been known to debate on whether it should be legal or illegal. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. This particular issue goes way back and even though it is legal now in some places it is still being debated on. Those individualsRead More Abortion Report Essay examples808 Words   |  4 Pagesthe right to women, if they so choose, to have an abortion, up to the end of the first trimester. Several cases have been fought for the right to choose. Many of these have been hard cases but they stuck with it, and many people believe that that is why we have some of the rights we do today. Here are some important cases: 1. 1965 - Griswold vs. Connecticut. Upheld the right to privacy and ended the ban on birth control. Eight years later, the Supreme Court ruled the right to privacy included abortionsRead MoreAbortion Report823 Words   |  4 Pagesthe right to women, if they so choose, to have an abortion, up to the end of the first trimester. Several cases have been fought for the right to choose. Many of these have been hard cases but they stuck with it, and many people believe that that is why we have some of the rights we do today. Here are some important cases: 1. 1965 - Griswold vs. Connecticut. Upheld the right to privacy and ended the ban on birth control. Eight years later, the Supreme Court ruled the right to privacy includedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Article Major Physical Impact On Abortion1002 Words   |  5 Pagesa. Analysis and Research: According to an article done by the Elliot Institute while getting an abortion done your putting your life at risk and danger for many different type of dangerous complications such as cervical, ovarian, breast and liver cancer. Studies have shown and proven that women who had history of at least one abortion done faces a 2.3 times greater risk of having cervical cancer than composed to a women that never once had an abortion done and if you had more than one then the rate

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Interracial Love free essay sample

Both Cheryl and Fee are the same race, aspiring to be in the e same professional field, share the same sexual orientation and lastly both are involved in an intent racial relationship that did not sustain. Dunne uses the characters of Cheryl and Diana to illustrate et the interjectional oppressions Of race and class faced by lesbians in interracial relationships. SSH e does this by establishing class distinctions of Cheryl and Diana and the disapproval of Chew rills interracial relationship of her friend Tempura. Cheryl and Diana relationship holds a significant role in the plot ofWatermelon Woman. The two meet at Cherrys job where she works as a sales associate at local MO vie store and Diana is a customer at the same store. This alone establishes the class distinction be teen the t;woo women. This scene depicts a black woman working and white woman have the e leisure to enjoy movies and not have to worry about work. We will write a custom essay sample on Interracial Love or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This type of distinction has been around for centuries. Black women were al ways working taking over the many responsibilities of white woman and all while the white woman has the privilege of leisure to do as she pleases.In Toni Morrison article What the Black Woman Thinks About Womens Lib s he the states one major clear distinction of race in the early 20 century Winnie women were ladies worthy of respect and colored females, on the other hand, were women u unworthy of respect because they were tough cable independent and modest. (Morrison) In the s name article Morrison also notes that black women considered themselves superior to who tie woman. Not racially superior just superior in terms of their ability to function healthily in t he world. (Morrison) These two quotes from Morrison serve as an example of the preexisting battle between black women and white women. Dealing with both race and c lass, white woman automatically were placed in a higher class than blacks just based on race no matter their economic position in society. In the scene where Cheryl and Diana meets the i interjectional oppression is automatically apparent. Throughout the movie one will notice t hat Diana has a higher class position over Cheryl.For instance, Diana never once was shown working, she was often shown shopping whether it was for food to movies, she had the white w Oman privilege of leisure. Diana also had her own place but no job this shows that Diana was alls o in a higher economic position than Cheryl as well. The film definitely portray the historic al context of the interjectional oppression of black women class due to race. Black women negative reaction towards interracial relationships dates back to the late the 19 century.Many black mothers, wives, sisters, daughters seen their black men I hunched on account of the lies told by white women. Due to the historical context of Lynn hinge black men has left a permanent dislike of interracial relationships within in the black comma unity. The hatred for interracial relationship is no difference within the homosexuals TTY community. Tempura, Cheryl best friend and also co worker disapprove of her new pronoun d relationship with Diana. She considers Cheryl as trying to become white because she wan TTS to make films and is dating a white woman. Tempura attitude towards white women is define tell a hatred that has been passed down to her from generations of hating the white woman. In the short story Advancing for Ulna and Ida 8. Wells by Alice Walker, Ulna the narrator friend tells her story of rape by a black man and to disbelief the Nair tort does not believe her she told me she had been raped during her summer in the south. It was hard for me, even now, to relate my feeling of horror and incredulity(Walker 91 ).This section FRR mom Alice Walker short story reminds me of Tempura in a sense, the narrator not believing in he r friend is a form of embedded hatred for white woman. The same goes for Tempura, she has this embedded hatred for white women, not only did she accuse Cheryl of acting white, and disapprove De of Cherrys interracial relationship, she also treated the new employee Anna who was who et harshly based on re skin color. Tempura believes in same race for all relationships, I find her p hilltops hypercritical b ased on her sexual orientation. Its bad enough in society homo sexual are discriminated against in society, but when they are discriminated against in the Eire own community black lesbians then face triple oppression. Not only does interjectional popper scions that lesbians face limits who they are as individuals, the hatred that has been installed over the years have left their love to be limited. The Watermelon Woman was a great movie depicting the internationality of race and lass in interracial relationships.