Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Dreams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Dreams - Essay Example Scientific theories have ranged from speculation that we dream as a means of learning more about ourselves through the revelation of repressed desires to the concept that dreams are a means of the subconscious providing the conscious mind with seemingly prophetic warnings developed through thousands of unconscious signals received during the waking hours. Other theories have suggested that we dream as a means of further developing our mental abilities and spiritual concepts, slowly assimilating what we’ve learned into our established worldview while still others have indicated that we dream as a means of dealing with our daily experiences by either getting rid of the memories or storing them away in our mental memory banks. What the various scientists have revealed in their dream studies is that there are a wide variety of ways in which dreams might have meaning to an individual, whether they realize it or not. However, it seems plausible that dreams will have more meaning to an individual who has a particular belief regarding what they might mean than an individual who reports they don’t dream at all or who believes that dreams have no meaning and doesn’t bother to remember them. Sigmund Freud is perhaps the most recognized individual in the field of dream theory. In developing his model of the mind, Freud determined that the dream functions as a sleeper’s defense against the disturbing thoughts and emotions of the subconscious mind (the id) by acting as a censor (Wilson, 2005). Unlike Freud, who felt that dreams were less frightening manifestations of subconscious horrors, Jung felt that they were revelations that uncovered not only our own emotional issues and fears of the perso nal subconscious, but also link us to the collective unconscious, â€Å"the reservoir of our experiences as a species, a kind of knowledge we are all born with. And yet we can

Sunday, February 9, 2020

God's Chosen People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

God's Chosen People - Essay Example ( 2005, p.131) It is true that God chose the whole of man in the beginning of man’s time. Next to Adam and Eve, God chose Noah above all other men for the reason explained by the Scriptures: â€Å"But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord†¦Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.† (Genesis 6: 8-9) God was decided on destroying men and beast, creeping and flying, because of its corruption and filled with violence, when He told Noah what to do in order to escape the first end of the world. After the flood destroyed all living things except those in the Ark, and the flood subsided, â€Å"†¦God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.† (Genesis 9:1) When the descendants of Noah did multiply, God scattered people throughout the earth by confounding or differentiating the languages of men and causing them to spread out. Then God favoured Abraham who was very produ ctive –â€Å"very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold† (Genesis 13: 2). He was also a prayerful person who frequently talked to God. So God gave vast lands to Abraham and told Abraham that his descendants will multiply as much as the dust of the earth (Genesis 13: 16). When referring to the phrase God’s chosen people, it should mean those men and women to whom God communicated, cared for, and allowed to survive from generation to generation until the present. Furthermore, their lives became known through written words in stories utilized to teach other people the truth, the difference between right and wrong, and many virtues worth learning and assimilating for better lives. God blessed Abraham, his eldest son Ishmael (Genesis 17: 20 and 21:1-21), and Isaac (Genesis 17: 23), the younger son. But the Scripture says, â€Å"But my covenant will I establish with IsaacThe story of man’s relationship with God continued mostly through the life of Isaac, then his son, Jacob, followed by Joseph. Through Joseph, the family of Jacob was able to find food supply during the seven years of worldwide famine, coming from Egypt which was said to be the only nation with abundant supply. It was because God gave Joseph the power to accurately interpret dreams. Like Abraham, he had the gift of prophecy. With that gift of prophecy, he received authority and power from the Pharaoh and was able to prepare for the famine for 7 years. According to Schoenberg, Shira (2012), two of the tribes of Israel came from Joseph, the northern tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. 300 years after Joseph died, Moses was born in Egypt. By that time, Israelites had been turned into slaves after a change of administration and also because the Egyptians saw that Israelites multiplied their population in Egypt. By the time of the Exodus, Israelites in Egypt were estimated to have reached 2.5 million to 3.5 million according to the Archeological and biblical research of Rudd, Ste ve (2005). It should be recalled that the name Israel was Jacob’s God-given name. Thus, whenever Israelites are mentioned, they are traceable to just one family, the family of Jacob whom God chose to have 12 tribes. Thiel, Bob (2012) traced the 12 Tribes of Israel that started out with the children and grandchildren of Jacob, namely, (1) Reuben whose descendants went to France; (2)